Saturday, September 10, 2011

Today's Political Thinking

The Libertarians of the day, that is in the 60s, were part of the anti-Vietnam movement that made so much attention but one never knew that that was the case. Murray Rothbard talks about it a lot in his books and gives a good description of what Libertarianism was and how it has evolved. It is great that they often times put politics aside and joined groups such as the communists and rightists for anti-war movements. Today we see so much hype around not joining the right and it is hard to pin what a politician really feels and believes in because so many of them change their views.

For example we have Perry from Texas that used to work for Al Gore in the 80s and actually wrote Hillary Clinton a letter praising Hillary care. He also forced young girls to inoculate with Gardasil through an executive order that no politician should do. He was influenced then by Merck through campaign donations and what would he do now that he is running for president as a conservative. We don’t know what he stands for and seems fake to me from all angles. He even looks like a slick Willie that no one should trust under any circumstances. There was a picture on Drudge showing him talking with Ron Paul and he looked like he was a typical Texan ready to stomp anyone who opposes him.

The politics are thrown around by so many groups that influence it is hard to follow consistently therefore keeping it difficult for the average person to understand how this system works. The one who gets the flock wins and in this case it is the one with the crony-capitalist connections and both Republican like Perry and Democrat like Obama.

Today’s politics is so focused on keeping or eliminating Obama’s presidency one way or another. People on the left have so much into this president that they feel it is a must that he succeed although they are losing faith in him. While they are losing faith in him it is mainly because they do not like the way he reacts to the “racist” right wing who only wants him out because he is black. I am detested by the constant use of “it’s because he is black” argument but I can’t say that they are all wrong but I do think it is mainly because people are caught up in this right left debate and no party wants to give the other credit where credit is due. This makes it difficult to pick who the real candidates are. The ones I guess are pure are Kucinich and Paul. They are ideologically different on the economy but together on war and civil liberties.

Is that what people should do in politics? What we see today is to oppose no matter what we see is the same view because we want you out of office. Is there any difference from the American Right or Left or the establishment we have today? Are they really influenced by the same interests that are working behind the scenes? I think so.

I never would have guessed that Obama would have pushed us more into war and continued the policies of Bush but he did. It amazes me how much he has alienated the labor groups even though he still speaks to them about their mission to help the working man. People are frustrated and what is going to happen is that they are going to riot all over the country if they don’t get their way in the next 4 years if Obama gets in. I can’t for the life of me see any difference in this because there are no jobs in the future if we keep outsourcing production overseas.

Political movements have a mission to make their views heard. Is the Libertarian view the one that makes the most sense? To me it is. For the first time I see a system and theory that makes sense and I understand better after seeing the confusing issues covered from the leaders today. There are not many Ron Paul’s out there. Obama is a great speaker and first drew me in with his teleprompter reading. It was good to see a young, good-looking guy up there saying what people wanted to hear but that is what it was. Telling people what they want to hear and never really telling us where you stand even though deep down most knew. Or maybe not!

I have recently read an article from a progressive professor and author in the NY Times who brought to light the fact that we never really vetted Obama like we should have. The hype of America brought him to power and a lot of it was because he was black even if that is not politically correct to say. He pointed out that no one really knew what Obama’s views were and he never made an impact politically when in office as well as never publish anything, other than his book, in 12 years of teaching law. He isn’t what people thought that is for sure and I don’t see him bringing the country together any time soon. The right will make sure of that either way but even some rhetoric on the left is leaning towards getting a new more progressive politician in office.

I believe he is progressive enough but was just overwhelmed by the powerful elite who have put most of our presidents in for the past 100 years. The president has become less and less powerful and more of a puppet. Obama was no different and that is what people are starting to understand even if they don’t realize it yet.

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